Difference between revisions of "User:ThorstenStaerk"

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This is the user page of Thorsten. Nothing [http://www.linuxintro.org/index.php?title=User:ThorstenStaerk here]. Better go [http://www.staerk.de/thorsten there].
This is the user page of Thorsten. Nothing [http://www.linuxintro.org/index.php?title=User:ThorstenStaerk here]. Better go [http://www.staerk.de/thorsten there].
= Lego Cybermaster =
new entry into Cake of the Week last week. Amy joined us from Cooking,Cakes and Children with this fabuolus lego cake. I'm desperate to do a funky lego cake but try as I might my girls seem to want other
I have a Lego Cybermaster. It is not Lego Mindstorms. The software delivered for it does not work on wine.
== Disclaimer ==
Here are my notes for writing an article on Lego Mindstorm, err, Cybermaster:
According to http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Lego/intro.html#AEN28 Lego asks for keeping some policies [http://www.lego.com/info/fair.asp here] but I cannot find any.
== Links ==
* http://linux.softpedia.com/progDownload/LEGO-RCX-Download-46173.html
* http://tldp.org/HOWTO/Lego/index.html
* http://bricxcc.sourceforge.net/nqc/
* http://smallsystems.isn-oldenburg.de/smallrobots/cyb-rcx.html
* http://comet.lehman.cuny.edu/stjohn/teaching/legos/lab1.html
* http://smallsystems.isn-oldenburg.de/smallrobots/rcx_prog.html
== Log ==
nqc -1 -S/dev/ttyS0 -firmware firm0309.lgo
Downloading firmware:
Problem talking to IR device
linux-qgla:~ # nqc -TCM -S/dev/ttyS0 -firmware firm0309.lgo
Downloading firmware:
No reply from CyberMaster
= wiki2mindmap =
= wiki2mindmap =

Revision as of 06:51, 23 November 2015

This is the user page of Thorsten. Nothing here. Better go there.

new entry into Cake of the Week last week. Amy joined us from Cooking,Cakes and Children with this fabuolus lego cake. I'm desperate to do a funky lego cake but try as I might my girls seem to want other


wget http://www.linuxintro.org/wiki/Special:Allpages                                                                                            
cat >spider<<EOF                                                                                                                                
require HTML::LinkExtor;                                                                                                                        
\$p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&parse, "");                                                                                                        
sub parse {                                                                                                                                     
    my(\$tag, %links) = @_;                                                                                                                     
    my (\$att, \$url) = @{[%links]};                                                                                                            
    print "\$url\
chmod 777 spider                                                                                                                                

./spider Special\:Allpages | \
grep "^/" | \                 
grep -v ":" | \               
grep -v "?" | \               
while read a
  do wget "http://www.linuxintro.org/$a"

for file in $(ls --ignore="*:*")
do ./spider $file | \
  grep "^/" | \
  grep -v ":" | \
  grep -v "?" | \
  grep -v "Main_Page" | \
  grep -v "Feedback" | \
  grep -v "/Contribute$" | \
  grep -v "^/Projects$" | \
  grep -v "^/Development$" | \
  grep -v "^/Policies$" | \
  grep -v "^/Projects$" | \
  grep -v "^/Projects/NamingTheWiki$" | \
  grep -v "^/Schedules$" | \
  grep -v "^/favicon.ico$" | \
  grep -v "/opensearch_desc.php$" | \
  grep -v "^/$" | \
  grep -v ".png$" | \
  grep -v "^/Development/Tutorials$" | \
  sed "s;^/.*/;;" | \
  while read file2
  do if [ x"$file" != x"$file2" ]; then echo "\"$file\" -> \"$file2\"" ; fi
done >datei

echo "# to create a ps file use 'dot -Tps -o graph.ps graph.dot' (dot it part of the graphviz package)" > graph.dot
echo "digraph \"Wikimap\" { " >> graph.dot
cat datei >>graph.dot
echo "}" >> graph.dot

dot -Tps -o graph.ps graph.dot
convert graph.ps graph.jpg