From Linuxintro
Revision as of 09:58, 21 October 2011 by imported>ThorstenStaerk

KVM is the Linux kernel's native virtualization.

Install it



You want networking for your virtual machines, so

  • start networking configuration
yast2 lan
  • delete the configuration of your network card. We call it eth0 in this example.
  • create an additional network device, a bridge, using yast2. Assign it your default IP address. Configure it to bridge network traffic for eth0.
  • restart networking
/etc/init.d/network restart

KVM Software

  • install the KVM software like this:
# yast -i kvm virt-manager
# /etc/init.d/libvirtd start
# chkconfig libvirtd on
# virt-manager
  • click on new, continue as adviced


The hypervisor is not running

Now you try to create a new virtual machine. When you use Paravirtualization, you get the error message "The hypervisor is not running.". When you try to use "Full virtualization", you get an error

The operating system does not support full virtualization
The CPUs support full virtualization, but it is disabled in the BIOS

To resolve this,

  • create a new connection, type "QEMU/KVM"
  • reboot your computer
  • start virt-manager

internal error No <source> 'bridge' attribute specified

Symptom: When starting a virtual machine you get an error

internal error No <source> 'bridge' attribute specified with <interface type='bridge'/>

To resolve this

  • you disable networking


# virsh list --all
# cp -r /var/lib/xen/images/virtual_machine /target